Summer Riding Sessions!

We understand the pressures that many women are facing. There is so much uncertainty in our world and our daily routines have been shaken. Join us for 75 minutes For a group riding lesson and a Christ centered faith building devotion. Each lesson will include grooming, tacking, ground work and saddle time. Lessons are co lead by the Ranch's teaching team of instructors. Lessons are designed for beginner-intermediate riders. Most sessions will take place under the covered arena and along groomed trails. Cost is $160 and payment is due upon registration. Bundle up and get in the saddle!

This is a recreational group, if you need therapy please consider one of our options during the week. All participants need to be physically healthy and weigh under 200 lbs for the safety of the horse.

Faith Over Fear Registration

Please complete the short registration. We will send you payment information and appointment reminders from our Client Portal. You will be able to track payments from the portal as well as book other services in the future. NOTE THAT YOU ARE COMMITTING TO PAYING FOR ALL FOUR WEEKS.